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slave owner
1. Maybe they are without it there and the slave owners can retain their ownership if they don't have contact with the remainder of the world so they don't bring the vector in
2. They are all slaves, even the slave owners have other owners above them
3. Whereas the Slave Owner or Imperialist sought to exploit human resources for personal economic gains, the social engineer, on the other hand, seeks to exploit the under-utilized capacity of individuals or groups for utopic reasons
4. As president, Jefferson loaned another $300,000 to aid the French slave owners on the island
5. American slave owners, especially large plantation owners, from 5-8% of Southern white families owned slaves
6. Most slave owners owned fewer than ten slaves
7. He was a brutal slave owner, breaking up slave families, selling off disobedient slaves, and punishing slaves severely, even publicly stating that slaves needed to be kept in line with whipping
8. Though a slave owner, his sole influence on the slavery question was arguing for California to be admitted as a free state
9. His successor Millard Fillmore, though not a slave owner, strongly supported and enforced the Fugitive Slave Act, requiring all Americans to return runaway slaves to their owners
10. Plantation slave owners, or “the slave owning power,” as many abolitionists referred to them, likely played the leading role in why the US fought the war
11. But immediately as his term began, he sided with slave owners
12. He was the last US President to be a slave owner, and as congressman led a successful effort to strip Free Blacks in Tennessee of the vote
13. The law favored slave owners against abolitionists, forcing all northerners to return fugitive slaves, no matter what the state laws were or the personal beliefs of abolitionists
14. We do know that because of the ban, slave owners began treating their slaves more humanely so that slaves could increase in number mostly by giving birth
15. In the deep south, Christian ministers sought to convert more slaves to Christianity and encouraged slave owners to think of themselves as father figures
16. But more and more, slave owners became more entrenched in their defense of slavery
17. Claiming that a man living almost all his life in a free state (Illinois) who was a poor country lawyer barely able to afford a small home could be a slave owner is ludicrous
18. ) The French slave owners' attempt to crush that revolt led to a second genocide, killing 170,000 more Haitians
19. In time, several issues grew up around this sorry practice: slow emancipation, resettling, compensation to slave owners, whether it—that is slavery—would be allowed in the new territories
20. was the slave owner’s
21. Slave owners could still treat slaves in any manner they chose, up to, and including, killing them with no consequence
22. "Oh, she called me 'cruel' and said that I was a slave owner and that my gladiators were treated no better than animals
23. former slaves and sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down
24. This time Adam and Eve must create the garden – but this time, where time has been freed from its slave owners, it will be planted only with fruit trees, berry bushes, grains, nuts, cows, pigs, chickens and the many glorious greens and weeds of life
25. They wanted to lessen, or, perhaps, idealistically alleviate the horrors of the world, so they could enjoy the privileges of inequality without the guilt of being slave owners
26. Thus, dictators are easier to overthrow than idols, when the nigger worships the slave owner and the master is called Rights, Property, and Money
27. From its founders to the robber barons to multi-national outsourcing to insourcing temporary workers and iWorld philanthronaires, the US of All's capitalism is predicated upon slave owners exploiting slave labor
28. Jefferson slave owners would have hung her
29. Olin asked Andre, "Do you realize that slave owners have the legal right to enter and search any house in the country if they suspect that a runaway slave is being hidden there?"
30. This law allows a slave owner to reclaim a runaway slave in any state and Federal agents are required to assist him
31. "I tell you Andre, it is stupidity on the part of the slave owners for the reason that out of a slave population of approximately three million, only about seven hundred ran away each year
32. I have computed that it amounts to two hundredths of one percent of total slave ownership, an amount absolutely overwhelmed by the slave birthrate
33. The mind of the slave owner or holder is like the pupil of the eye; the more light you shine upon it, the more it will contract
34. So, as long as the southern slave owners feed, clothe and house their slaves, and do not whip them too often, they will not rebel
35. Olin sensed that the bigots far out numbered those that stood to gain monetarily from slavery because for every wealthy plantation slave owner there were many, many thousands of poor southern and northern whites
36. Very many of the slave owners and their male family members were exempt from military service
37. Non-slave owners fought and died for pampered slave owners who remained home at their estates while enjoying a safe life of ease
38. The presence of slavery in the south lowered the living standards of the non-slave owners
39. It was only used to feed slaves so it cost the English slave owners nothing to feed them
40. There was a time when most slave owners made sure
41. ous intelligence could be a slave owner
42. [14] Frederick Douglass in his autobiography writes about the same sort of phenomenon that occurred in the slave owner
43. � No matter the original intention of a slave owner to remain humane toward the person the slave holder owned, the demands of ownership distorted the emotional self and the perceiving self of the slave owner
44. similarly, being a slave owner would be equal opportunity
45. The slave owner would
46. slave owner would contract to provide his slave with housing, food and a decent
47. This and other governmental actions severely hampered any actions on behalf of the Southern slave owners to reestablish power through financial strength
48. They kept the negroes stirred up with tales of cruelty perpetrated by the whites and, in a section long famed for the affectionate relations between slaves and slave owners, hate and suspicion began to grow
49. They only knew that Scarlett’s father had been a great slave owner, her mother a Robillard of Savannah and their opening wedge into the old society they wished to enter, the society which scorned her husband was Rhett Butler of Charleston